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Fringe Benefits Tax

FBT Hot Spots

FBT Hot Spots

With the start of the Fringe Benefits Tax year looming on 1 April, businesses are being urged to review their Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) position. So what are the ATO's FBT Hot Spots for 2020? Keep reading! FBT liabilities can trap unwary businesses, some of whom don’t...

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Fringe Benefits Tax – What you need to know

Fringe Benefits Tax – What you need to know

The Backyard BBQ Advice :- ''Mate, the ATO don’t care about fringe benefits tax so you don’t have to either, what ya gotta do is BLAH BLAH BLAH'' You're certain to hear a lot of different advice. A few simple steps upfront can start you down the path toward success....

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