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7 ways to enjoy the next 7 days

Feb 18, 2020 | Business

For seven quick and easy tips for a better week, keep reading! We have sourced 7 ways to enjoy the next 7 days (just for you).


1. Put pen to paper. ⁠

Write down your to-do list, your plans, worries, and hopes. Sometimes getting it down on paper makes a world of difference. ⁠

2. Create a schedule and stick to it. ⁠

Upset that you never fit it all in? Having trouble focusing? Set a specific time to do certain things and follow it religiously! That means no picking your phone up to scroll Insta when you’re meant to be on emails, and no working during your lunch break.⁠

3. Connect with your loved ones.⁠

Take five to send a message or make a phone call to someone you care about. Check-in, make plans to catch up, and remember that beyond all of your day-to- day worries – you are loved!⁠

4. Drink more water. ⁠

Keep hydrated. Simple. ⁠

5. Get outside. ⁠

Eat your lunch outside, preferably by a tree or some greenery if possible. Notice the gentle flow of nature and allow the fresh air to calm and refresh you.⁠

6. Make time for some fun.⁠

Lock in some plans for your day off, whether it’s going to the movies, checking out a new cafe, grabbing a glass of wine with some friends, or heading out for an adventure on the open road. Dial-up the fun factor this week, you deserve it! ⁠

7. Make an effort with your appearance.⁠

Appearance certainly isn’t everything, it’s what’s on the inside that counts. But… have you noticed how good you feel when you spend an extra ten minutes getting ready? Add a pop of colour, put on your fave lipstick, dare to be different, and let your outward presentation reflect who you are on the inside!⁠


And that’s it – these tips are sure to make that smile on your fab face even bigger and brighter, and are quick and easy, simple feel good ways to make you look and feel good!

Happiness tips and tricks sourced by The Collective Hub and legends at DGL Accountants.