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Cost cutting ideas for small business recovery

Cost cutting ideas for small business recovery

As the new financial year looms, and the coronavirus crisis lessens, it’s time to take stock of your finances and plan for the year ahead. Where can you make cuts and how can you save? Read on for cost cutting ideas for small business recovery! The pandemic has put...

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Budget forecasting in unprecedented times

Budget forecasting in unprecedented times

In the volatile and challenging times brought about by COVID-19, changing our thinking on traditional budget forecasting can make planning ahead easier. Budget forecasting in unprecedented times is particularly vital when gauging long-term impact and engaging staff in...

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Planning tools to help businesses reopen

Planning tools to help businesses reopen

The National COVID-19 Coordination Commission (NCCC) has created an online tool to help businesses develop a plan to keep their workers, customers and the community safe as they reopen or increase their activities in the weeks and months ahead. Read on for planning...

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